Models B, BR, BO, BI

b76021-RD-2Just as wheatland farmers had admitted the "A" but asked for a standard-tread version because they did not need adjustable wheels, small row-crop farmers admired features of the "A" but asked for a smaller tractor, more suited to their power needs. In 1935, John Deere answered with the "B". Literature of the day described it as "...two-thirds the size of the "A" in power and weight. It has all of the advanced John Deere General Purpose features-- adjustable wheel tread, ample clearance, excellent vision, easy steering, convenient controls, individually controlled rear wheel brakes, comfortable seat, roomy platform and four forward speeds."Like the "A", the "B" had many variations. One was the "BN" (above), with a narrow front end.The "B" was originally rated at 9.28 drawbar hp and 14.25 belt hp.

Production Year & Serial Number

B BO and BR BO (Lindeman) Crawler
1935...1000 1936...325000 1943...332901
1936...12012 1937...326655 1944...333110
1937...27389 1938...328111 1945...333605
1938...46175 1939...329000 1946...335361
1939...60000 1940...330550 1947...336441
1940...81600 1941...332039
1941...9600 1942...332427
1942...126345 1943...332773
1943...143420 1944...333100
1944...152862 1945...333600
1945...173179 1946...335286
1946...183673 1947...336258

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