Deer Valley Collectors
Welcome to Deer Valley Collectors
Deer Valley Collectors (DVC) is a 250+ member antique ag equipment (all makes) enthusiasts club based in the Quad Cities. For $20 annual dues, members are entirtled to a monthly newsletter and are welcome to participate in any club-sponsored event. You do not need to own antique equipment to belong. We are governed by a 12 member Board of Directors, who meet monthly. Board meetings are open to all members. DVC sponsors scholarships and other programs that educate children and promote our cause.
The mission of Deer Valley Collectors is to provide information, services, and a forum of fellowship for its members in support of their common interest in the preservation and collection of John Deere Two-Cylinder tractors, equipment, and memorabilia of the era.
Top ten reasons to join DVC:
1. I can tell my spouse I’m “going to a meeting”.
2. So many cool tractors, so little time.
3. World class newsletter.
4. World class members who are glad to help you.
5. Swap meets. Holy cow, look at all that stuff!
6. How else you gonna’ show off your tractor.
7. These guys actually care to hear me rattle on about my tractor?
8. Plow days. what a hoot!
9. Who else is gonna’ keep this movement alive?
10. Twenty bucks. Come on tightwad, how much did that paint cost you?
Owners and drivers of the Deer Power Hitch